There is a world of difference between a true conservationist and a CINO. Among those running for mayor of Sullivan's Island, let's see if we can tell the difference.
A true conservationist can always see the value in conserving the ever vanishing green spaces of our city and towns. The CINO might espouse conservation as long as it doesn't affect his personal self-interest or occur in his own backyard.
A true conservationist will be in favor of protecting our town owned protected maritime land. He would support a plan that included input from all interested town residents. He would base his decisions on science and the advice of experts. The CINO would always support as much cutting and vegetation clearing as possible. He might support conserving some of the maritime land in front of the school and Fort Moultrie, but the remainder of the maritime land between station 16 and 28 he would consider expendable.
A CINO conservationist would be in favor of "protecting" only three "priority" trees in the protected land that are larger that 16 inches in diameter. Whose "priority" is this? The true conservationist would know that there are 16+ species of trees that are of value in the land and that clear cutting these would do irreparable harm to the wildlife present there.
Most importantly, a true conservationist can recognize the unique treasure we have on this
Island, a maritime environment that is as much to be enjoyed as it is a place from which to learn and from which our children can gain an appreciation of nature close to their homes. The CINO, despite his rhetoric about conservation, acts as if the forest is a nuisance and will exaggerate any negative aspects to argue for ridding the forest of trees.
Everyone claims to be a "conservationist" at election time because they realize how important this topic is to the residents of our wonderful island.
Look at the candidates' records and it will be easy to tell the true conservationist from the conservationist-in-name-only (CINO). True compromise is possible only when it is constructed
by a true conservationist and that person is Pat O'Neil.
A true conservationist will be in favor of protecting our town owned protected maritime land. He would support a plan that included input from all interested town residents. He would base his decisions on science and the advice of experts. The CINO would always support as much cutting and vegetation clearing as possible. He might support conserving some of the maritime land in front of the school and Fort Moultrie, but the remainder of the maritime land between station 16 and 28 he would consider expendable.
A CINO conservationist would be in favor of "protecting" only three "priority" trees in the protected land that are larger that 16 inches in diameter. Whose "priority" is this? The true conservationist would know that there are 16+ species of trees that are of value in the land and that clear cutting these would do irreparable harm to the wildlife present there.
Most importantly, a true conservationist can recognize the unique treasure we have on this
Island, a maritime environment that is as much to be enjoyed as it is a place from which to learn and from which our children can gain an appreciation of nature close to their homes. The CINO, despite his rhetoric about conservation, acts as if the forest is a nuisance and will exaggerate any negative aspects to argue for ridding the forest of trees.
Everyone claims to be a "conservationist" at election time because they realize how important this topic is to the residents of our wonderful island.
Look at the candidates' records and it will be easy to tell the true conservationist from the conservationist-in-name-only (CINO). True compromise is possible only when it is constructed
by a true conservationist and that person is Pat O'Neil.
You can learn more about Pat's experience and those issues he hope to address, if elected, on his website. You can also call (843-670-9266) or email Pat if you wish to discuss the issues (oneilp@sullivansisland-sc.com).
Norman Khoury (normankhoury@comcast.net)
The Sullivan's Islanders Group