Sunday, February 8, 2015

Parking on Sullivan's Island--Follow up

SI CI recently posted a letter from islander Mike Walsh about parking issues on Sullivan's Island, including some of Mike's very interesting photos.  Based on the many responses to Mike letter, islanders very much appreciated the information and very much identify with his concerns. 

Mike has now written a follow-up letter to clarify a couple of things and also to thank Mayor O'Neil and Councilwoman Susan Middaugh for their prompt and helpful responses. Here is Mike's letter:


Not long ago I posted on this website an opinion about the parking boondoggle that occurs so often on our island, most recently on New Year's Day for the Polar Bear Plunge. I included several photographs of what seemed like total disregard for our current parking regulations and asked two questions:  why aren't we enforcing the rules we already have before implementing a new high-tech system and, secondly, if visitors disregard the current laws why would we think they are going to pay any more attention to the new parking plan being considered. I sent the same information and photos to Town Council. Several of the pictures showed cars that had not parked with all four wheels off the roadway, which I for one thought was required. Subsequently I heard back from Mayor O'Neil and Councilwoman Susan Middaugh. Both told me that according to our town administrator and town attorney there is in fact NO state statute requiring all four wheels off the pavement if (A)  there is not enough room on the public right-of-way for this to occur and (B) as long as the vehicles do not block the street. Frankly I was shocked. I think that the vast majority of Islanders BELIEVE this is the law. There is even a fairly official looking sign that sits on Station 25 between Jasper and Middle that states as much (see photo). Apparently this is not an official town sign but has been put there by a fellow Islander who is under the same impression as most of us.

I write this follow-up mainly because I don't want to perpetuate misinformation. Of course, many of the other illustrations in my original posting showed gross "no excuse for this" violations of our parking laws. Those vehicles should have been ticketed. The reason they weren't, as I suspected, was purely a matter of manpower with all of our officers being tied up with more important duties in the busier parts of the island. I was also told that in the future if such violations are observed, the phone number to call is 843-743-7200 and an officer can be dispatched to issue a ticket. (Just don't expect that to happen on St. Patrick's Day!)  

However, there is some good news in all this. Sullivan's Island can write their own parking ordinance that requires all four wheels off the roadway. I am told that as the new island wide parking plan is implemented this will be considered. Prior to that a survey of the island and the right-of-ways will be done to determine where we can expect people to park off the roadway, where there are obstructions to doing so that can be moved, and where there are obstructions like ditches that cannot be moved.

My thanks to Mayor O'Neil and Councilwoman Middaugh for their time and this helpful information.

Mike Walsh
2530 I'On Avenue

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