If you have major concerns about changing SI ordinances to permit a stand-alone recreation structure on a residential lot--you are not alone! Many residents have expressed a great deal of concern and consternation. Below is an excellent letter about the issue from islander Laurie Arthur.
Dear Members of the Planning Commission, Town Council, Mayor O'Neil, the Ad Hoc Committee and the East Cooper Land Trust:
I respectfully ask each of you to consider these questions:
1. In regard to this specific lot, isn't true that the lot in question has a very tiny footprint, now that the sand we all knew would wash away did just that?
2. What is the footprint of the recreational/storage building in relationship to the true size (minus the now missing sand) of this lot, less any variances that might have been issued to allow the construction of the existing building?
3. Does the restriction to two parked vehicles in anyway control the size of the vehicle (a party bus?) or the traffic flow picking up and dropping off visitors?
4. What proposals would be in place regarding alcohol?
5. Why are the protections afforded to homeowners regarding number of visitors and occupants even considered as protections that would pass to the owners of a stand alone recreational structure?
6. Not to stir the pot, but why is a tree house not allowed but this is?
7. And, the most important question of all.... Isn't true that the lot in question would not be left in its "natural undeveloped state?" Would it not instead now be a lot with 685 sq. feet of a recreational/storage building? What is natural and undeveloped about that?
There is no conservation whatsoever being accomplished by the proposed ordinance changes. This lot is zoned residential and should remain so, with only a single family residence or no other structure on the site.
Sincerely, Laurie Arthur
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