Saturday, October 10, 2015

Recreation sheds (cont'd)

The recreation shed zoning issue rolls on, in spite of much controversy about it and much island-wide opposition from residents. The amendment was on the agenda of the well-attended LUNR (Land Use and Natural Resources) committee meeting on October 8th at 8:30 am.

After some discussion, LUNR decided to put the recreation shed issue on the Workshop agenda for Monday, October 12th, for discussion by the full council. The Workshop will be held at 6:00 pm at the temporary town hall, 2050-B Middle St. 

The three council members serving on LUNR are Rita Langley (Chair), Chauncey Clark, and Mayor Pat O'Neil. The LUNR meeting on Thursday went much the way of the Planning Commission meetings on the recreation shed issue. Once again, many of the specific questions and concerns that have been raised by islanders at meetings and in written correspondence were not presented or addressed. 

Pat O'Neil did mention that a number of islanders were concerned about the fact that Town Council appeared to be planning to change the island-wide zoning code in order to accommodate just a few individuals.  He commented on that issue by saying something to the effect that many changes made by Town Council start with a request by one islander. 

He also mentioned another concern raised by a number of islanders, which is that the Town would lose property tax revenue if houses are removed and replaced by recreation structures. That is definitely true. But in spite of that, and for reasons that have never been fully explained at any of the many meetings on the recreation shed issue, islanders are told that having a recreation shed instead of a single-family home on a property is a good thing for the entire community. 

Councilman Chauncey Clark commented that the neighbors of the property on Marshall Boulevard were supportive of the island-wide zoning change, and that what residents in a surrounding neighborhood support is a very important consideration. Not mentioned were the many property owners in other neighborhoods on Sullivan's Island who do not want to potentially have a recreation shed next door. 

Chauncey joked that because of the erosion occurring on the north end of Sullivan's Island, if Town Council did not hurry up and approve the zoning amendment, the lot in question may not even exist. He did state after the meeting,  in response to a question from an islander, that having a recreation shed on the lot instead of a house would not slow down the rate of erosion.

There has been much correspondence with Town Council from islanders opposing the recreation shed amendment. As always, SI CI is happy to post letters and other information on issues of importance to SI residents. Below is an excellent letter from islander Ad Ingle: 

This letter is for the September 9th meeting of the Planning Committee.  My reaction is to vote against the whole plan. (I know I don't really have a vote!) First of all, I am not sure why the new Zoning Ordinance Amendment for "stand-alone structures" and "recreational uses on residentially zoned properties depends on easements having been established.  But, I guess lawyers know what is best!

The whole idea sounds bad to me.  The small size of the allowed structures coupled with the allowed number of people (24) surprises me. That is really jamming a lot of people into a small space.  All of those people arriving and having only 2 parking spaces would seem to be a possible nuisance to the neighbors.

The main objection which I have is that no sewer facilities will be allowed.  Perhaps that is the blessing in disguise that will kill this whole deal.

Addison Ingle
1719 Atlantic Avenue


So make plans to attend the workshop at 6:00 this Monday! If you cannot attend, contact Town Council about the amendment.

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